on behalf of Dawn ​ all-staff Mailing List ​ Kia ora tātou

Earlier today I met with colleagues from the Faculties of Law and Business & Economics to share a proposal to establish a combined faculty. This proposal responds to feedback from the consultation process earlier this year, relating to new faculty arrangements, as well as a range of other external and internal factors.

The proposed new arrangement is designed to retain and build on the unique identities and strengths of both faculties, ensuring the legacy and prominence of the Auckland Law School and Auckland Business School remain.

Under the proposal two law departments would be created; one focusing on private law and one focusing on public law. Members of the current Department of Commercial Law in the Business School would become members of the private law department in the Law School. Each department would have a Head of Department with one of these also being the Dean of Law, who would report to the Dean of the combined Faculty, and the other Head also being the Deputy Dean of Law. The current Dean of the Faculty of Business & Economics would be the Dean of the combined faculty.

I intend appointing a new Acting Dean of Law to lead the Law School from the completion of the term of the current Acting Dean. In the event the proposal is adopted, the term of the Acting Dean would continue through the transition phase until the appointment of the new Dean of Law.

We are now inviting feedback on this proposal, and I encourage you to participate in this important discussion.

The online feedback form will be available online until 5pm on Monday 20 January 2025. The extended consultation period (10 weeks) reflects the time of year and that many staff will be likely to be on leave for some of this period. You can find out more about the proposal and its rationale, and download the Proposal Document, on the Notice page, and also view the detailed staff FAQs.

Thank you for your ongoing commitment and insights as we continue to strengthen our University for the future.

Ngā mihi


Professor Dawn Freshwater
