
To: (some) Members of Senate

Date: 2024-08-26 10:39AM

Ata mārie members of Senate.

You will be aware of recent student activism regarding university management's pressure for faculties to identify courses to cut.

We the students urge you to attend the upcoming Senate meeting. Management, despite the rapid developments they are rushing through, have required the meeting be in-person only with no proxy voting. As far as we are aware, this is not the usual Senate process, this is a deliberate and blatant tactic to skirt usual accountability. Many staff fought for this special meeting of Senate. Please make sure that effort was not in vain.

To our knowledge, the meeting is planned for tomorrow, 4pm Tuesday 27th August, in the Great Hall, Clock Tower.

We have prepared some key points regarding the flawed processes, particularly regarding communication and consultation that university management have used to plan course cuts. We have also included some samples of genuine student and staff consultation as well as links to more detail.

Resources here: This page is designed to be printed to take along to the Senate meeting if desired.

Thank you for listening.

– We Are The University.