7 August 2024 Professor Dawn Freshwater Vice Chancellor Waipapa Taumata Rau | University of Auckland Dawn, tēna koe

I write as the representative of staff who belong to Te Hautü Kahurangi | Tertiary Education Union at Waipapa Taumata Rau | University of Auckland.

In the last week, the TEU has fielded innumerable alarmed queries from members related to the messaging that some are receiving from their Deans regarding a substantial directive to cut courses. Members are further alarmed to find that communication is coming from some but not all Deans.

I take this opportunity to remind the Vice Chancellor of your obligations under Part 1 Clauses 2.4-2.6 of the Academic Staff Collective Agreement 1 September 2022 - 31 August 2024:


The Employer recognises that employees covered by this agreement are entitled to participate in the academic governance of the University as provided in this clause, both individually and collectively as members of the union, acknowledging that the University is governed by its Council.


The Employer recognises that such collective participation is particularly important in relation to academic matters, complementary to the role and responsibility of the Senate for academic matters.


In order to ensure that such collective participation in the academic governance of the University is effective, the Employer shall comply with the following participatory processes when reviewing University policies relating to research and study leave, outside activities undertaken by academic staff, and academic standards.

The directive to cut courses across the University on the scale proposed has not involved employees under this collective and will have a significant effect on academic matters as set outin the above clauses. The rationale for new, accelerated set of directives have not been adequately conveyed to staff. Participation is important prior to decisions being made.

In a short time, a range of concerns are being highlighted by our members including:

We also remind you that consultation is required with the Union if a review has the potential to affect staff job security.

Nicole Wallace


Te Haut Kahurangi | Tertiary Eductation Union