Te Hautū Kahurangi | Tertiary Education Union says the government’s announcement today of two advisory groups to “explore issues facing the science sector” and “consider the effectiveness of the current university system” is light on details and heavy on ideology.
Te Pou Ahurei | National Secretary Sandra Grey says “we don’t yet know what the terms of reference are, who will make up the advisory groups or who will have input, but we do know that economic performance is the overwhelming priority.”
“It’s critical that any review of higher education must feature staff and student voices at its heart – there is no science sector or tertiary education system without us.”
“We laud the aims stated the announcement to “achieve better social outcomes” and “equity for all learners, including Māori, Pasifika and disadvantaged learners”, but you can’t do that by viewing education as a business and a tool to lift economic growth. You have to invest in education as a public good, which means investing in staff and students.”
“If this government is prepared to do that we will be pleasantly surprised.”