Isabella Lenihan-Ikin, a student member on the Victoria University of Wellington Council, who joined NZUSA’s oral submission, said that ‘with Victoria having two student places on its council, it’s great to have someone who brings a similar lived experience to me. One student is not able to represent the views of all students, so having two students doubles the number of student voices coming through.’
‘Two student places will make councils more diverse and reflective of the student community’, says Gee.
NZUSA says that the select committee has the chance to give community wisdom a stronger place on TEI councils through:
• Reserving a student seat for the students’ association president
• Requiring at least two staff and two student places on TEI councils
• Increasing the size of councils
‘As public institutions, our communities (and taxpayers) expect public benefit from our institutions, not just private return. It’s therefore essential that community wisdom has a stronger place on TEI councils through increasing the number of staff and student seats.’