Auckland Students Rally Against Albert Park Violence.

Auckland University Student’s Association (AUSA) is making a stand against public violence areas through organising a ‘Reclaim our Park’ rally and Safety Audit in Albert Park on Friday the 8th of April.

The action comes two weeks after two University of Auckland students were attacked and robbed by a group of assailants as they walked through Albert Park at about 8.30pm.

AUSA President Will Matthews said ‘one of the first things you learn upon arrival at Auckland University is to stay away from Albert Park in the evening and at night. It’s well known that it isn’t a safe place to be’.

‘We don’t think it’s acceptable anyone should be so at risk in public places. While everyone has to exercise a degree of personal responsibility, we have the right to feel safe in Albert Park’.

The rally, which Matthews will speak at alongside MP Jacinda Ardern, Auckland Councillor Mike Lee, National Women’s Rights Officer Izzy O’Neill, and a representative of the Chinese Student’s Association, will also take the form of a safety audit, with attendees involved in surveying the park on key safety issues including lighting, visibility and security presence.

‘This is a community issue, and we want the community to be a part of creating the change’ says Matthews.

Changing the culture

Making Albert Park a safer place is about more than just installing better security features, according to AUSA Women’s Rights Officers Aditi Gorasia and Diana Qiu.

‘This event, and this campaign is about changing the entire culture around public safety’ say Gorasia and Qiu.

‘We’re getting this culture where victims of assault are being told that it’s their fault, that they shouldn’t be walking in Albert Park in the evening. That kind of victim blaming is the wrong approach - we should be looking at addressing the root cause of the problem’.

‘People won’t feel safer in Albert Park overnight. This is the beginning of a long process to create a culture change and make Auckland a safer place for all’.

The ‘Reclaim Our Park’ rally and safety audit will begin at 7pm at the Albert Park rotunda. Media and all members of the public are encouraged to attend. Further details can be found here