Chief Mum takes one last opportunity to tell us off

feeling is mutual I felt anyway I had to point out that you are in breach of things to become a catcher you have been asked to move from this part of the University and you haven't move to you're not entitled to be here so you are in breach of 44 points of j1 also I'm going to pause 4.2 game board in terms of you I asked you to do something and you've knowingly fail to comply and so we will be considering what action we take respect to those of you who are students and so it turns whatever your plants live here my viewers you leave if you don't leave then be careful and make sure they were giving you don't good sack we will continue tomorrow but by saying you are in breach of the student conduct policy we have got skips we can take care we'll review what we will do right absolutely not in there the ridge right back have a nice evening