Monday 14th
Workshop 1
Esperanto Society and UNANZ Presentation
5pm AUSA Clubspace

Medical Students for Global Awareness Present:
DR Sujit speaks.
B10 Library Basement 6pm

Tuesday 15th

Workshop 3
Generation Zero presents:
“Auckland Transport that’s not S#$T!!!”
6pm AUSA Exec chambers

UN Youth & The Global Poverty Project present:
Oxfam Coffee Break + Trade Zealand Justice Expert Panel
6pm Engineering Building Rm 3.404

Students for Justice in Palestine:
Peaceful Vigil in remembrance on Nakba
6pm AUSA Quad

Wednesday 16th

Workshop 4
Nga Tauira Maori Presents:
A History of Maori Actvism
4pm Waipapa Marae, Wynyard St

Workshop 5
Free the Cuban Five Presentation:
5pm AUSA Clubspace

Action Againist White-Collar Crime
Penny Bright speaks
6pm B10 library basement

Workshop 6
UNITE Union Presents:
“Students are workers, workers are students”
7pm AUSA Clubspace

Thursday 17th

Workshop 7
SAFE: What is SAFE and how you can get involved
4pm AUSA house meeting room 1

Fair-trade on Campus
“Is free-trade really fair-trade?”
6:30pm Library Basement B10

Aaron Chang Presents:
“Intersexuality and activism”
6pm AUSA Exec Chambers

Aotearoa Not For Sale Strategy Meeting
7pm Library Basement B15

Friday 18th

Workshop 8
Introduction to Greenpeace
5pm AUSA Clubspace

BlackHeart InfoShop Presents:
“Rock Activist Week”

Penny Dreadful
Melting Pot Massacre