Incoming VUWSA President for 2008 Joel Cosgrove speaks up against a 10% fee rise at the Victoria University Council meeting
this council is taking an easy way out it's looking at raising fees and they will be raised there are no open lines here everyone's mind already made when I say this I doled with Shan and FL when I put down the council I don't put down all Council but the majority and the majority of to think about what they're doing what has been done about what been done funding of the University system since the 1970 that's been going down that's a reality what's been done about it the only standing up for the students what has the council done nothing much meetings and inty hand ringing students are we put in streets we put in Parliament we individual EMP we put body groups based around the entire Community we've got sucess of that we need a lot more but we've got results this Council sits here the only results here stands up there get pleas the university just like students under funding University just like students the staff are under buildings are under resource we're all H it because it is becoming harder and hard be harder to be a student overdraft such a I've got a $2,000 overdraft and that's the status quo if I get to one one