Lincoln University is leading the way in the industrial action campaign that is building up following the breakdown of collective agreement negotiations. As one of the first steps in an escalating plan of action, Lincoln academic members of the Association of University Staff (AUS) agreed to withhold second semester examination results for one week.

This low-level action, part of an escalating campaign, was primarily intended to let management know the extent of feeling among staff members. The results have shown that there is outstanding support for the campaign among the academic staff.

After the November 2 deadline, 80% of undergraduate results were missing from the database, said Lincoln AUS branch president Jim McAloon.

"While some may have tried to downplay the effect of the proposed action, to find such unity among academic staff sends a very strong message to management" Dr McAloon said.

Action committees at other universities were "delighted" to hear of the overwhelming support by Lincoln academics for the campaign. Along with the other New Zealand universities, AUS members at Lincoln will hold a stop work meeting in December to agree on further action which is set to escalate rapidly in the first semester 2002.

Contact for Jim McAloon: (03) 325 2811 ext 8926